Lucas has done it again [proved himself to be a dumb-ass]. First there was Episode I, which seemed more like an advertisement for George's new line of toys than a serious film.
Than there was two, titled; "Attack of the Clones", if you didn't know better you might mistake it by title for a b-movie.
Yet, somehow, he has managed to top himself. Episode III will be titled: Star Wars - Episode III - The Return of Darth Vader. Has he forgotten that he's been working on a "prequel" to a film with Darth Vader in it. Is he even trying anymore?
Quite some time ago, I wanted to make a short film about a group of extremist movie buffs who plot to kill a "Lucas-like" director [complete with a countless following of geeky obsessed fans] before he finishes the last of his six films, but I never got around to it... I regret that very much... I think that would have made a great dark comedy. I don't know where I am heading with this side-thought, but yeah... it's my bedtime.
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