I was watching a couple Simpsons commentaries this morning while everyone was sleeping. I have to stay up all night (even on my days off) or my whole schedule gets out of whack. I got bored with my snack foods so I started mixing them up a bit. I was eating handfuls of M&M's with handfuls of pretzels, and I gotta say - it was pretty good. I prefer a 3:1 ratio of M&M's:pretzels.
It's going to be a sad day when my metabolism finally slows to a trot.
I realized this morning that all the shows I watch are cartoons. Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, South Park, Samurai Jack... basically the entire Adult Swim line-up on the Cartoon Network. The only live show I still catch regularly is Dave Chappelle.
This got me thinking about a TV show I loved that got cancelled. I didn't watch it as much when it was on the air, but isn't that the way it always goes. The show was called Clone High. It had a brief run on MTV (a source of several failed cartoons). I think it might still air in Canada.

The writers of the show were hillarious, and the voice talents were excellent. It's a gem if you get a chance to watch any of the 12 episodes that actually aired. Abandoned Pools provided the soundtrack and they actually had a couple (real) celebrities on the show. I pray they release the DVD someday or, better yet, bring back the show. I doubt it though.
So write your congressional and mayoral reps and we'll find out how to get it back on the air. Together... we can make a difference
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