If there were a picture of Amanda and I sitting here in the bedroom; something about it would be disturbing in a "21st century'ish cut off from the real world" kind of way: We are sitting less than three feet away from eachother, Amanda a chair in the corner, and I'm streched out on the futton, each of us have a wi-fi laptop in front of us and are off in our own little worlds.
Okay, this the third time starting over... each time I get a page in front of me, I read it and think; "wow... could this be any less interesting?". I must not be in the groove tonight. Which is frustrating because I have things I really want to get on here and they're just not coming out right. Let's try this again:
Rolling Chair Pro.'s new logo. It's been months since Chuck and I shot the original footage for our new logo, but after a solid week of cleaning the frames, it was put on hold until a few days ago. See, we didn't have a blue screen, or matte, when we were shooting in the gym at Eastern Michigan. All we had was some white sheets, and a half a roll of paper. Our plan was too over expose the lens enough to bleed out the whites. Grr... what is wrong with me tonight... the temptation to erase this paragraph is killing me. No! I won't give in. Even if it sucks. Each frame had to be cleaned in PhotoShop, and there are about 29.9 frames for every second of film. Chuck did most of the detailing, the files [digital filmstrips] were each about a Gig in size [click here for a mini example / 504 KBs], for only six or seconds of film.
Now, since we only had one rolling chair, and one pair of shoes [I was wearing sandals], we had to shoot our walking up and sitting down separately, which was tricky since we needed to look at eachother. But in the end, it all worked out and lined up in Final Cut. Drum roll. I give you: rc.pro's [new] logo.
Hmm, what else did I want to mention. I met with Eric Simonson today, and we now have a black cat running around our bedroom. But... my stomach is freaking out on me, so those will have to wait.
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