About a year ago, I used to have a brand new Geo Metro that my dad bought me in high school. The gas mileage on this thing was awesome. I got maybe 50 miles to the gallon on the highway. Moving to California and paying $2.50 a gallon can make you pine for a tiny little car.
I was driving along one day, minding my own business, when a little old lady pulled out in front of me at an intersection in front of a hospital. I swerved to the left, but she tried to speed up and I hit her head-on going about 45mph.
When I hit her, the airbags exploded and burned my t-shirt, and the seatbelt left a mark across my chest. I have an old injury to my left knee, which also got banged up pretty good. I was doing ok though, considering.
The adrenaline kicked in pretty fast, and I got out of the car without any trouble. I ran over to the lady's car to make sure everyone was ok, because I could hear her screaming "Oh my God" over and over again.
As I got up to her car [I think I opened the door for her], I realized that she had a clean break of the bone in her forearm. She was holding it just above her elbow and it looked like she had another joint. Her forearm and hand were just hanging off the middle of her arm, completely limp. It was snapped in two, and she wouldn't stop screaming.

I went back to my car and picked up my cell phone off the ground to call 911. I told them I was about 2 seconds from the hospital. They took about 5 minutes to get there, so I sat on the grass in front of my car on a small hill. All of a sudden I felt really winded, and I realized that I'd hurt my knee pretty bad. I could feel it swelling up inside my jeans. Then I felt sore over my whole body.
A guy came up and asked me if I knew where I was going. I was so out of it that it seemed really odd. I thought he was asking the question in the philisophical sense. I wondered "Where am I going?". Of course, he was just trying to see if I was coherent by asking me a simple question. When I realized it, I said I was fine and to check out the lady in the car.

They pumped me up with vicodin and put a brace on my leg and right hand. It felt like I had fractured a bone in my hand, but it healed itself - I guess. I'd say I came out of it ok, considering how well the old lady had fared.
The worst part was the money. Not two hours before the accident, I'd spent $200 on my car to fix the muffler. The ambulance ride that lasted thirty seconds cost me $500. I still owe them $150 that my insurance didn't cover.

Other Interesting Facts:
1. My bike was stolen a week later.
2. I was on my way to a bible study.
3. I put on my seatbelt a block before I hit her.
4. It was the last time I saw my ex-girlfriend. (She drove past the accident and didn't see me.)
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