posted on Monday, June 21, 2004 by
Since we were all talking about the Simpsons today, I found an interesting article in Yahoo news. It seems that the Simpsons are securing the Archbishop of Canterbury to be in a future episode. The Archbishop is apparently a big fan of the show, which he praised for it's "humour and humility." When it rains, it pours. For more information on my favorite show, visit
We have a late submission for the photo contest, which I wanted to have up before I go to work. It's from Kerrie in Michigan, representing for all us former residents. Apparently she has a 102 degree fever and had to take the picture with no set-up, sans make-up. So let's all hear it for Kerrie! She's cute as a button.
Just as I posted this, Christine sent me an entry. Apparently, we're huge in Japan. Of course, we'd be huge comparatively, if we went there.
If you could go back in time and change one event in your life, why is that a stupid question?
Sleep tight, everyone. Only in dreams can we make no mistakes.
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