Tzaddi sent me this the other day. The first one says Chuck stinks. I never seem to get one submission without a second though. Here's one from an 'anonymous' entrant:

Just to clarify - stroke of midnight on Monday night is it for submissions to the contest (ok, I won't kill you if it's 1am) but I am posting the winner before noon on Tuesday. Just in time for the Wednesday hits spike. We get the most readers in the middle of the week. I guess everyone is so bored at work, it's all they have to do.
It's kinda funny that we have this group of ten or twelve people that submit comments and pictures. We have a thousand people a day reading the site and only ten people ever speak up. So here's to the loud-mouths, making us look popular. May you never be silenced. (You know who you are.)
I had an awful day at work. The kind when you want to drive a car through plate glass, or maybe a fist - but I don't really feel like writing about it. Let's just say people are jerks. Most people. You guys are ok I guess.
This guy is ok too. Go here. Drew Olbrich.
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