Well, I'd post another picture of a caliblog fan, but I don't really have one. With the exception of James (Who should really know better than to try and pass off an old pic for a new one. I know she looked nice, but lets not lose focus here, James.) I'm sure he'll probably send us an updated pic sometime in the future. As for the rest of you, it's a weekend left. Remember, Dave thinks you're all losers.
I'm still working on our website problem. Putting the movies on a different server isn't really going to help. We're still burning 1.5GB a day on just the visitors, sans movies. This is getting complicated, but I promise you I am trying to figure it out. I'm on turbo-lazy speed.
Since we started the blog, people have been linking to us and showing their support. If it weren't for my deeply rooted fear of clutter, we'd put links to all these people on the left bar. Because I am a neat freak, and six is almost more I can handle, here are a few links to people that seem to have one eye on us. Go check them out, because they're all really cool.
The Bean Blog From the one and only, Oz.
Gutter Slut Anonymous Stacey rocks. And she's from Canada.
American Blogger The man himself, James Shirley.
My Big Fat Fishbowl She's going to be famous soon.
Little Sea Nymph Nerina's new blog, with an old pen camera.
live with kinky carinne When the name doesn't say it all.
Reflections of a Whimsy Chick A girl from Michigan.
The Earley Edition Dave, Australia's own reporter.
and my buddy, Pete Check out his pictures section.
The 4th season of the Simpsons was released Tuesday. I've been waiting on it for a while. I've only watched one episode ("Whacking Day"), so I've got 21 more to go. Good thing it's my day off. Didn't I just tell everyone I'd figure out the website problem?
I used to date a girl that loved the show as much as I did, but now I only have Billy to watch it with. Kinda sad. Michelle never liked it as much. She faked it - but that might not have been the only thing she was faking.
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