I have an idea for a business. Here it is: I become an arms supplier, selling my supplies to foreign up & coming political leaders in bulk [an un-bias political trend spotter if you will], making a nice profit for myself. Sounds okay so far, right? Well, here's where the money really starts rolling in.
I [anonymously] blow the whistle on the buyer. Calling attention to any would be "targets", creating mass paranoia. While I'm at it, I'll slip my business card to a handful of "big wigs", and maybe cut them a deal on weapons.
That's it. That's my idea. I'll just keep selling my "products" under the radar to a variety of outside influences, and in return, well, I'm sure you see the pattern. It's beauty is in it's simplicity. A twisted 'Spy vs. Spy', where I sell one the over-sized hammer, then the other a giant boxing glove, then a spring loaded car seat... each of course for a pretty penny.
I just hope nobody has thought of this before.
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