Caliblog needs your help. Okay. Well, actually, rc.Pro [rolling chair productions: Chuck and I's production group] needs your help... I'm looking for documentaries with unusually excellent narrative. Tonight I'm going to call every video store in town until I find one with, "On Tiptoe: The Music of Ladysmith Black Mambazo". It comes very highly recommended by some close friends of ours who know the guy who made the film [his first documentary, which was nominated for an Academy Award]. Apparently he has just finished cutting the first run of his latest documentary, and if all goes well, Chuck and I should have an opportunity to sit and pick his brain about narrative. Okay. I'm rambling. Back to the subject at hand:
Any of you readers out there who have seen or heard of a documentary that exceeded your expectations [preferably due to narrative]; please drop us a comment. Well, I would keep writing but at the moment Chuck and Billy are watching the big game and randomly shouting "hell yeah", or "that was a f'ing foul"... you get the idea. It's distracting.
Actually before I go, I would like to posse another question; "why are so many of you out there shy"? We have been pulling in 1,300 new readers each day, and granted 40% of them leave within 20 seconds. But, that still leaves 520 people a day that visit between 30 seconds and an hour. Now, I'll be realistic, say on average, 8% of readers comment, that's still 40 people. We are getting about five comments on average per post. Those are sad numbers. I have to admit when we first found we had been noted on blogger; I was very anxious to hear all the different thoughts of people from every corner of the web. But it has only been a few days... perhaps I should be more patient.
At any rate, for those of you who have stayed longer than 20 seconds, thank you very much for reading. And for the few who have joined in on the conversation, we are always very excited to read what others have to say. Well, stay tuned.
You guys rock! I'm inspired. Thanks for letting us live it with you. -anthony
6:46 PM, March 24, 2005Post a Comment
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