We've decided to try something new today. As a reintroduction for new people who have joined our little site recently, each of us has decided to tell you a little bit about one member of Caliblog from our own perspective. Obviously, per the title, I will be writing about Chuck.
If I had to describe Chuck in just one sentence I would say that he is exactly what Calvin would be if he had made it to his early twenties, both mentally and physically. (I am, of course, referring to the character from Bill Watterson's strip Calvin & Hobbes) But, obviously, this is not a one sentence post.
What can I say about Chuck that hasn't already been mentioned in Penthouse Forum? I first met Chuck while working at Target, back in Ypsilanti, MI. I was his boss. After a few days of working together, he said that he would like to do what I do. From there I took it upon myself to train him in every facet of my job. Teaching him anything he would need to know to be a good supervisor, which he quickly lost interest in, but it did make him a pretty valuble asset to the team. Along the way, we both realized we had similar taste in movies as well as a penchant for breaking out into song and dance spontaneously, especially to off-the-wall songs. But it was our love for the movie Moulin Rouge that really tipped the scales. Along with our other friend, Andrew, we would constantly do our own little renditions of the movie to pass the time at work. We kind of became an inseperable little trio. A lot of time has passed since then, some spots where we hardly talked for weeks on end, but here we are now, on the other side of the country together. Man, that's hot!!!
From what I know of Chuck, he comes from a fairly normal family (mother, father, sister). His father is old an fashioned type of man who subscribes to a strict moral structure and who believes in working hard and sacrificing for his family, for which Chuck holds him in very high esteem. Though he does have a few frustrating quirks, overall Chuck's a pretty good guy. Always inquisitive, he really likes to learn and experience new things.
For those of you who don't know, it was initially Chuck's little suggestion to throw caution to the wind and just move out to California. As it came closer to fruition, he came down with a slight case of cold feet, but he knew this was something that we all had to do and it would be a lot easier if we did it together. He did, however, stay an extra couple of weeks in Michigan, so that I wouldn't have to make the trip alone (What a guy!). Adjusting to his new life hasn't come easy for him and he still struggles with certain aspects everyday, but that's more of the kind of thing that he can talk about, if he feels the need.
I would definitely say that Chuck is one of my closest friends. Even if I had stayed in Michigan, that would still hold true. I honestly don't think I would have made it here for this long or maybe even made the trip at all if not for Chuck standing by me. Chuck's a good guy and a lot of fun to be around, usually. We've been pretty stupid together at times. For as crazy as Chuck can get (and he can...), generally, he's a very serious guy. He's really at a point in his life where he's become deeply introspective. Examining every aspect of his life and trying to figure exactly who is and what he wants. If he had his choice, he would spend the next few years as a nomad, walking across the country and taking work as he needs it. A very non-materialistic person, he discarded almost every possession that he owned before the trip, minus a few things that would fit in his very small car. I have to admire him for that. Actually, I could say that about making the trip, itself. That was quite a bold move. Now that he's out here, though, I think it's become a little less clear exactly what he wants out of this trip.
What else can I say about him? He likes his women like he likes his coffee: cold an bitter. He loves The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, and the hardly heard of Clone High. He wears a nightgown to bed. He loves strawberry ice cream, but only if it has real strawberries in it. He wants to learn to play the guitar, which is hard since he gave his away to someone who could never afford to get one on their own. He has an unhealthy obsession for Swiss Cake Rolls (seriously). He thinks his ears are too big. He's a huge fan of Val Kilmer. He works at a copy place, but is hoping to get job as a P.A. out here. If you want to know more about the wonder that is Chuck, stay tuned here or visit your local library...and now you know, and knowing is half the battle. (O.K., he doesn't really wear a nightgown to bed. He just wears it while he's relaxing around the apartment.)
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