Knowing that an unusually large number of people are now viewing the blog, kinda' makes it somewhat difficult to write about 'nothing'. I just caught myself sitting here searching the web for something interesting to mention... but realized that's not very original.
I suppose now is as good as a time as any to bring up our current project / "big decision". After a lot of discussing and debating and debating some more... Wait; this isn't where I should start this. Okay, from the top. If I had to guess how long it's been, I would say half a year ago Amanda suggested an idea for a documentary; a bike trip. And Chuck and I loved it. But it had worked it's way to the back-burner [probably due to it's many challenges]. And I know I've been mentioning co.op films lately but I think that I'm focusing too much on the short-term and not the long-term.
It was a hard decision to drop co.op films as my main focus, I hate [hate, hate, hate...] changing my focus when my mind has been set. It feels too much like giving up, but really it's just being stubborn. So we've been doing everything we can the past few days to begin preparing, it's a little overwhelming.
I guess I should better explain the documentary: Right now, it's just Amanda and I riding bicycles from the Atlantic to the Pacific, zigzagging our way across the northern states. We will interview other riders we encounter [and possibly a few younger working people who would say they feel stuck in life]. The film will capture why someone would do something so dangerous and exhausting as well as what is gained. Well, as you can tell, we haven't written a professional sounding synopsis yet, but there's the gist of it. No ripping it off.
To give some visuals on what you might see in the documentary. Here are some random pictures from our last trip we took in '01.

Above: Judging from all the tall grass fields I would say this was taken in 'North Dakota'. It rained all day, and Tim got four flat tires. Here he is fixing his second, only an hour after his first.

Above: Here's the three of us [left to right: Chuck, Tim & Myself] outside of a mini-food mart somewhere in Illinois if I remember right.

Above: Here was the day we arrived in San Francisco (our goal), it was our 55th day. Yes, I'm as tired and dirty as I look in that picture.
I didn't do a very good job picking pictures to showcase, no mountains, no waterfalls. Just gas stations and grass fields. Oh well, maybe later. I need to get going now, it's my Mom's birthday today! Wish her a "happy b-day"!
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