I wanted to say happy Memorial Day to everyone out there. I hope everyone who had a three day weekend enjoyed yourselves. Actually, I'm sure most people won't read this until tomorrow, so...Happy Tuesday, everyone. Woo-Hoo!!!
I, unfortunately, did have to work today. I'm spending the week training at stores that are a bit out of the way for my job. Oh well, at least I have tomorrow off. I can watch the Piston's game. Hopefully, they can put it away tomorrow night. I was actually supposed to go to a screening of 'The Stepford Wives' with Nicole Kidman (Well, the movie stars Nicole Kidman. I'm not actually going with her. Though, that would probably get me to dimiss the Piston game a lot easier) down in Hollywood, but it could be the final game of the series. I want to see if my boys make it to the finals tomorrow or not. They're back at home so...
I wanted to tell those out there who are a little unsure of my stance on living in California that, despite what some of you may think or may have heard, I am not going to be leaving the Golden State anytime soon. I'm here for the long haul. I'll be here until I do what I set out to do. I know that when I first arrived in Cali I was a little skeptical and more than a little homesick, but now that I've gotten over the small period of adjustment, I remembered what I came out here for in the first place. Now that I'm back in a regular job and things have settled down a bit, I am refocused on the task at hand. I gave up too much to come out here to just turn around just because it's a little uncomfortable. Admittedly, it hasn't been all that bad. I've seen a lot of things I never would have seen otherwise. Plus, I've gotten out of that comfort zone I called a life back home. It's time to make things happen. I know we will.
On a semi-related...I was sitting around just thinking about some things the other day and I realized that we all know people who have now decided to move out to sunny California. Wouldn't it be excellent if, say, three years from now we have around 50 friends and relatives who have been inspired or convinced to move out here because we decided to close our eyes, take a deep breath, and just do it on the spur of the moment. It would definately make home seem a little closer, that's for sure.
One final note before I sign out: I just wanted to say thank you for all of the support that we've gotten from you people out there. The great thing is, not all of you are people that we've known for years. Some are just people who've come across our site and just liked it. You've all been great. For those of you who think the site has gotten a bit routine, you have to realize, this has been our transition time. Sure, there was plenty of interesting prose and quite a bit of emotion as we anticipated our little venture, and our excitement carried over for the our first few weeks of discovering our new surroundings. Right now, though, we're just getting our everyday lives on track. I know some of you are waiting to hear how we progress on 'making it in Hollywood'. For you, I just want to say, be patient-good things are just around the corner. To everyone else...I'll be dreaming about you tonight, baby!
For those of you movie fans out there: If you haven't yet, you should check out the preview for 'Garden State', a new movie written & directed by, and starring 'Scrubs' star, Zach Braff (Garden State Trailer or Garden State Internet Exclusive Trailer). We think it's going to be one of the movies to catch this summer that may not get the publicity of the big blockbusters. Give it a look-see.
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