Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.


posted on Thursday, June 10, 2004 by

Nick, my brother, has left for Kenya. As I'm writing this now, he is half a world away. This could probably use some explaining: Three years ago, my brother built a school in Bolivia with a group of friends from a church he goes to. And this year, they are building a house for a church custodian [I think]. He'll be there just shy of a month. I have to admit, I am extremely jealous. It's strange but I miss him, yes, I realize I already live 2,500 miles away from Onsted. Maybe it's just that I don't know where he is, I mean I realize he is in Kenya... but thats about it. And Kenya is about twice the size of Michigan.

Above: Here's a pic of my bro playing guitar. Well, that much was probably obvious... but ladies, he is single.

Well, Chuck, Amanda and myself went out all day long filming footage for a mock-trailer for the bike documentary. It's not cut yet... actually, I am still busy importing it while I'm writing this. But I am thinking of selecting some key clips to post here as a sneak peak. But... it's gonna be at least an hour. Till then.

ps. It's been about an hour, so here ya' go, it's all your getting for the moment. Enjoy.