Mike's been bothering me for a while to sell my zine on the website. I used to have a site called Send Tretter that sold stickers, but it never went anywhere. Is this something you guys would be interested in? For now, I've decided instead to give back to the community from which I've taken so much. To that end, I'm starting a contest.
How to win - The rules are simple. Take a picture of yourself, either alone or with other people, holding a sign that says something about Caliblog. You can say "Caliblog sucks.", "Mike sucks.", "I think Caliblog is Cali-cool." or even "Amanda, please dump Mike so we can go out sometime."
I don't care if you take it in front of your computer, next to the Washington Monument, or riding backwards on a horse [excluding those three ideas.] Just make sure it's memorable, because it is the competition.
The Prize! - The prize will be a t-shirt. This t-shirt. I made it last night.

If you want, you can take a picture with it and we'll post it. There'll be a grand prize winner and a runner-up. Amanda gets to decide the runner-up and what prize they get. I'm all out of ideas. If everyone has fun, I'll make a different shirt and we'll do it again. I'm having fun already.
[E-mail submissions to filmforthought@hotmail.com. Put something like "photo contest" in the subject heading, ok - otherwise you'll get deleted.]
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