Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

enter the contest!

posted on Saturday, June 12, 2004 by

I have to go to work in a half hour, so this has to be quick. Quick so I can lay down for a minute, that is. 30 minutes to be precise.

Billy and I went to see Van Helsing. Despite what the critics had to say, the special effects were better in the movie than the preview. The theatre had cheap tickets, but the film was out of focus for 15 minutes. I had to go get the manager twice before they finally fixed it.

I promise a better post tomorrow morning. I just wanted to remind everyone to send in their pictures for the t-shirt contest. I'm not keeping this shirt, so one of you had better take it. I've had tons of people ask about it though.

Pistons rock!

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