God bless Wi/Fi. At this moment, I am slumped down in Billy's chair on the back balcony of our apartment, the night is a perfect cool and unusually quite [I swear the second I typed that, I started to hear a helicopter coming from Burbank...anyways]. This has to be the most comfortable post I've ever written.
Amanda and I finally splurged and bought a wireless router. And having said that, I would like to say: I hate windows. No matter what it is you're trying to install [hardware & software], it never works right off the bat, but what is most frustrating is that after an hour of trying the same three things over and over again, it just starts to work. With no obvious reason. It finally decides it's given you enough shit and does what it's suppose to do. Grr.
Well, even though we [Chuck, Amanda and myself] decided after looking over the footage filmed yesterday that we needed more [alot more] before we could make the trailer we wanted to make. I got bored this morning and spent four hours cutting it up anyways, just to see what I could make out of it. So, keep in mind this is an unfinished version of a mock - teaser trailer for a film we haven't even started to actually film. Be easy on us.
I want to thank everyone for their suggestions with different documentaries they've seen and enjoyed. Some I've seen, some I've only heard of. I'm going to add them to my netflix list and do some catching up when I get a chance. Speaking of which, I should get back to reading a book I bought today on documentary film-making, I'm mainly interested in the budget / funding aspect of the book.
side note: this is my 100th post. How exciting, I'm officially a dork.
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