Mike and I have started running again to train for the bike trip. It's only been a week, so far, but it feels good and I hope I can stick with it. I mean, I know I have to if I want to do this bike trip…. And I do want to make this trip. Sometimes I think I might act like it's not a big deal to me…. But honestly, it is. I want it so bad.

Running sucks. It's one of the hardest things I've ever done. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone else, but it's just one of those things for me. Mike and I are motivated in totally different ways so it makes training together difficult. Not to mention that he is an award winning cross-country runner. Anyway, he is motivated by people telling him he can't do something…. he likes to prove them wrong. I on the other hand need lots of encouragement. The way Mike gets on Chuck about writing and filming is the same way he gets on me about running. I hate it. Mike is a little more relaxed this time around and I'm a little more determined. We're taking things a bit slower and I think it's going to work out ok.
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