Well it's been awhile since I've posted anything non-political so let me ease into this post with a quote from Reagan Jr.
“I think it was a relief for Americans to look at pictures of something besides men on leashes. If you are going to call yourself a Christian -- and I don't -- then you have to ask yourself a fundamental question, and that is: Whom would Jesus torture? Whom would Jesus drag around on a dog's leash? How can Christians tolerate it? It is unconscionable. It has put our young men and women who are over there, fighting a war that they should not have been asked to fight -- it has put them in greater danger.”
Sorry Mark, I stole that one from you. But it's such good stuff I couldn't fight the temptation [note: the link added within the quote is semi-random. Reagan Jr. made no mention of it -- I just thought it was nice place to sneak it in...].
Moving on: Here's some random video clips from the other day when Amanda called in sick to work, we spent the afternoon sitting on some rocks overlooking the ocean. The same rocks we discovered while filming the "project: pedal" footage. First off; we spotted a group of dolphin's swimming about fifty feet out, but I couldn't get a damn shot of them; they kept coming up and going under for a minute only pop up somewhere completeldifferentnt. Slippery bastards.
Second up; here's a clip of Amanda on the rocks. She's so cute.
And, it's getting late, so the last fews things I wanted to write about are going to be in list form:
Third clip: don't worry... the camera was in a water tight case.
Today at work I saw Jeremy Davies, he was sporting a full beard [I'm guessing for his recent roll as Charles Manson]. I was going to say "you kicked ass in CQ..." or something along those lines. But a lady from our lighting department beat me to it. That bitch [just kidding -- she's actually very nice].
ps. This was found in the apartment today, and I thought it was so funny I had to post it for the world to see.

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