I can honestly say that today (Wednesday) was best day I have had in a long time. I really, truly enjoyed myself for the first time since I've been out in California. And it went a little something...like this:
Chuck and I both stayed up until late into daybreak before sleeping for about two hours (Chuck had to work and I was at home working on some things). I woke up around 10:30a.m. and then proceeded to wake up 'Sleeping Beauty', so that we could start our day. We got ready and headed out the door by a little after 11:00. Chuck and I had gotten invitations to go catch a private screening of "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" (coming to theaters July 9th) at the Arclight Cinemas in downtown Hollywood at 1:00p.m. We felt really bad, because Mike and The Girl had the morning off, but it was a VERY small audience and we could only get an invitation for two. They still don't know, yet, and we'd appreciate it if nobody mentioned it to them, so "Shhhhhh!" The theater, itself, was really nice (it's the same theater that I had ran into Thomas Jane and Rebecca Romijn at for The Punisher premiere). It was a lot more decorated than your normal theater, including actual CGI mattes and preliminary drawings for Shrek 2 framed on the walls (I'm guessing that it premiered there, as well).
Before we had made it to our seats they offered us free popcorn and sodas, which was pretty generous, I thought. Inside the cinema, we had great seats, right where we would have wanted to be. It was a really small crowd of people. Before the movie started, a P.R. guy for Dreamworks came out and gave a quick rundown of the campaign they have set up for the next few weeks before the movie opens. Apparently, they're going to have 'Channel 4' vans going around town spreading the news (as it were) and giving away T-shirts, frisbees, and condoms that say "Stay Classy!", Ferrell's catch-phrase in the movie. Chuck and I both want to get our hands on some of that booty. After he had finished, he introduced one of the writers of the film to say a few words and answer any questions people might have.
Finally...the movie! I can't say too much about the movie, because of the disclosure rules for early screenings, but it was just so funny. I would actually go see this movie a few more times. I just thought it was THAT good. I'll put up a review tomorrow, though. I'm too tired tonight.
Following the movie, we headed over to the most spectacular Music/DVD store. If you want it, you could probably find it there, including an extensive collection of classic LP's and freakin' LaserDiscs...LaserDiscs!!! I picked up a few things in there (though I could have spent $1,000 and still not been done). We grabbed something to eat after that and then went home and watched some of the Joe Schmo Show on DVD. It was a really good day.
Oh, I almost forgot. The writer...the one that had come out and talked to us... Yeah, he was really funny. Of course, he should have been. It was Will Ferrell. Will 'freakin' Ferrell!!! He was standing not more than 15 ft. in front of us talking to us about the movie, telling jokes, and basically just being Will Ferrell -warning us of a salmonella outbreak in the popcorn and telling us that they've opted not to validate parking, exactly what you'd expect from him. He even was willing to take questions and converse a little with the audience. How cool is that?! How cool is he?! I could go on for quite a while, I'm still so excited. I was still smiling for hours afterwards. I had literally forgotten how it feels to be as happy as I was today. It's like a drug now. I need to feel that level of happiness more. And the cost of this fabulous day? $2.50, between the two of us. I would have happily paid $50 for the same experience. I just wanted to share my day with you. It was good and I was happy...
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