What am I supposed to do with my life?
If I get a house and a job that pays more than $8.50 an hour, will I finally be a responsible adult? Will kids make me feel like I served a purpose? Won't I just be dumping the same unanswerable question on them. What are you going to do? "Work and have some kids, I suppose."
It's as though life were a stack of bills, and everyone is supposed to find a unique way to spend their money. Well, there are only so many stores.
Somewhere between 20 and 35, fear grips half the men and women in this world. "I need money to retire on. I can't work when I'm 60." - "I've got to have kids. Otherwise, what was I here for?"
I ask myself that question every single day. What am I here for? There are billions of people on the globe. We've all been here the preverbial blink of an eye, as far as the universe is concerned - isn't my existence a bit extraneous?
Freud was right. Life is about sex. If it weren't, most of you probably wouldn't be here. There'd be a couple million people around, not 7 billion. 7 Billion says, "We like sex. Let's go have some more." We're manufacturers - and business is good.
A few people get to have fun every day, but most of us just spend our lives making sure that 2% is comfortable.
How many people don't kill themselves because everyone else made them feel guilty about actually going through with it?
So how do you win?
"Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life." Right?
Well, you'd have to stop caring about money and posessions. [Done. I stopped caring years ago.] We can take control of everything. I just have to figure out how to convince everyone else to stop caring.
Good luck.
In the meantime, I'm going to see the entire world. I want to travel. If I was born trapped on this planet, I'm going to every corner of the cage.
Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.
What if never working a day in my life is doing what I love?
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