That's right, folks. Cute mormon girls agree, Caliblog is great! Take a visit on over to Jenna's site and leave her a comment. She's a nice girl. Spread the love around.
Last night they shot off a firework that sounded like a cannon. It set off three car alarms. I wanted to go to the beach tonight to see some fireworks, since I got the day off, but it turns out they might not do anything on the 4th. Apparently this has been going on in Michigan for years, I just never noticed.
Mike relinked one of our old weekly movies that hasn't been on the server since way before we were a blog of note. I thought it might be appropriate to re-present it to everyone that hasn't seen it.
For those that would like, it was the final project in my film course at Washtenaw Community College. It's called y ahora muero. The file is kinda big, so you might want to right-click and save this one. It's about 10 Mbs.. MBs.... mBs...... you know what I mean.
Anyway... it stars a guy named Juan Freitez, a friend of mine who came to America from Venezuela. He was in the film class with me. He took three months of English, then left for Michigan with enough money for college tuition and the first month's rent on an apartment. He didn't even have a job, and could barely fill out apps. This guy is my personal hero.
I think it fits rather well, today be the 4th of July. Immigration and the U.S. and all that.
See if you can spot my cameo in the vid.
Enjoy the holiday, if you can. See ya gang.
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