Nick sent me a folder with a hundred pictures from Kenya -- apparently someone else has a good two hundred more coming soon. But, I've picked out a few random pic's to share. In no particular order:

Above: I dunno where in Kenya this was taken... well, actually I don't really know where any of these pictures were taken exactly, but anyways, the think pink line stretching across the shore is a "million" flamingoes.

Above: I don't know why, but Nick decided to chase a sheep in circles. Actually, I would have done the same had I been there...

Above: Nick and I agree; this is without a doubt the scariest Duracell bunny we've ever seen.

Above: I'm starting to realize I should have had Nick write little blurbs about these pictures, because I'm not sure about anything in these pictures, I think this is the school where they were working.

Above: London from 30,000 feet.

Above: Nick and Peggy. I still don't know much about this Peggy... Nick's holding out on me.

Above: finally, a story to tell; the group was waiting in the bus when suddenly this monkey jumped through the window and ran around until it stole someone's bread, then it just left. I wish my brother had taken a camcorder for that one...

Above: Here's nick trying to look like he's about to run off a cliff... not very convincing if you ask me. But that is one hell of a view.

Above: The man in front is Ben, their tour guide, and to the right is "a girl" [at first I thought this was Peggy, but after looking again, I'm not so sure...] with Nick, and I'm not sure who the guy in yellow is.

Above: No this was not staged. Travis was holding up that roof frame when his pants just fell down around his ankles, and as he was standing there, unable to bend down and pick them back up, my brother snapped a picture of him [which i guess he wasn't very happy about], and I'm guess if he wasn't happy about it being taken, he won't like it being put all over the internet. So, shhh, try to keep this one on the down-low.

Above: I picked this one just because I think zebras are cool. Yup. That's all.
Hmm... hopefully these pictures speak for themselves, because I certainly didn't have much to say. Just as a reminder if any of you have questions, comments, or concerns for Nick regarding his Kenya trip, you can post them in the forum.
Hahahahahahaha, poor travis.
6:26 AM, September 23, 2007Post a Comment
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