Finally. Caliblog is up and running. And we couldn't have done it without Andrew from getmeonline.net... no more advertisements... no more picture'less blog entries... so, Andrew, if your reading: Thank you.
Today Chuck and I talked for a while, and I nagged him into saying he would leave on the 29th with Amanda and I. So for those of you who posted your supporting comments... I owe ya' one. I have been looking forward to playing frisbee in the Grand Canyon for weeks now, well... not "in the Grand Canyon"... but in and around that general area. Anyways... now I still get to.
Okay... I'm having trouble writing because t.v. [Friends] is very, very distracting. But the real point of this post anyways was to just see a picture of us on the blog. Its exciting... yes it is. For those of you who don't know already, this is us at a friend's Halloween/ birthday party last year, from left to right: Chuck, Amanda (the Girl) and myself.
Okay... I have to go grocery shopping now.
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