Valentines Day: Flowers for a loved one... 50.00 - candy hearts... 10.00 - a romantic candle light diner... 45.00 - Saving every penny for a cross country move... doesn't allow for any of this.
Amanda and I sat on the couch and exchanged v-day cards we both made for each other, my card [for Amanda] had two pairs of cut shoe strings (this has nothing to do with the title...)
Actually this is going to take some explaining: When Amanda and I first met I used to wear a short shoe sting around my left wrist, it was cut from my last pair of running shoe during cross... the same shoes that trained me into state competition... so, of course, they were sentimental to me - and to remind myself of all those miles... all those years of hard work... I always kept it on my wrist. (Until one day I was out with Amanda and looked down to notice it was gone... and I didn't find it... so I was sad) Anyways; Amanda a few different times had mentioned she wanted a shoe string also... so we could both have one ("aww... how cute"). So; finally:
In her card I put two short shoe strings, and we each tied one on each other's wrist. Amanda joked that we had finally 'tied the not'. Then around 8 o'clock we went to see 50 first dates using a packet of free movie tickets Amanda had got as a Christmas present. It was actually cute... and sad a few times (I know... I'm a baby). But unfortunately we couldn't go out to diner... I couldn't buy her a dozen roses... no box of chocolate hearts... we had to save as much money as possible. But it will be worth it when we finally get to see the ocean.
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