I got to sleep in today. My past few days routine has been work and then some more work with a little bit of sleep in between ever other "work". Ugh... hence: I haven't posted "since tuesday".
Zoup! hasn't been terrible, but it hasn't been great either. I'm pretty sure Greg, my boss, doesn't think much of me. Chuck asked why I was even concerned with getting Greg to like me, I am quitting in a few days anyways. I guess it would be more exciting if I saw how long he would put up with me... but I am guessing it wouldn't be long. As far as 'synergy' goes - I'm in over my head with footage I have yet to edit. It will be interesting to see how I manage to pull it off.
I got an email recently from my uncle Kevin, who [unfortunately] I rarely see these days. But I remember him being around alot during my childhood. And I always liked him - he always seemed to know what to say to make someone laugh, a personalty trait I wish I could say I had, but when it comes to being around strangers - I'm not much for cracking jokes. And it probably sounds funny, but I always envied my Uncle Kevin for that. Anyways, I wanted to post his email on the blog - I thought it was incredibly encouraging.
Hi Mike, I was just finished reading your thoughts and comments you posted, on your web site. I think this is best thing you can do for your self. Being out on your own so far from home will cause you to learn things about your self that you never knew before. I am proud of you, for chasing your dreams, and not falling into some dead end life of just working to put food on the table. Michigan is a great state, but it is also a tough state to find good paying jobs. You find it very hard to get a custom to the area and life style of California, but you will find it very rewarding in the end. I hope to see your name on the big screen some day soon.If your reading Kevin, thank you very much for the email. Its nice to hear from you, and its nice to be reminded that I have family and friends that are out there wishing us the best.
Good Luck!!! your Uncle Kevin
I have a question for everyone reading. Chuck has recently asked what I thought of him staying behind a little longer as Amanda and I still leave for California on the 29th. His reasons are saving more money, and Amanda and I will have more time 'alone'. Now, Billy is leaving after the 29th, but he (having deciding only days ago) obviously needs more time to relocate.
But, neither Amanda or myself want Chuck to stay longer. We have been counting down the days till the "three of us" get to leave for the west - till the "three of us" get to spend a day exploring the Grand Canyon together - and hanging out in Vegas for a night. Waiting till the "three of us" get to pick out our new place. And if it were up to me, I would have Billy there with us also.
So - the question: Do you think he should stay behind?
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