I hate it when this happens. Today [all day] I have been moping around the house, dragging my feet, depressed about money, more importantly; the money we need to start a new life.
And (like I said) I hate it when I worry, I especially hate it when I worry about money. Because, everybody knows:
"...money isn't real, George... it doesn't matter... it only seems like it does..."
But, someone must still like me up there, because right about the time I was plopped down on the couch, staring at Amanda's feet as she searched online for apartments in Hollywood, the phone rang. She picked it up, but quickly handed it to me and jumped up to turn the answering machine off (since it likes to pick up halfway through the first ring).
Since the machine was on, and interfering with the voice on the other end, all I heard was; "...name is... from... ann arbor... would...", followed by a loud: 'beeep', from the machine.
So, naturally, I thought I was being sold something from someone, and about hung-up on them when I asked the person to repeat who they said they were, I don't know why I did this because I never think twice about hanging up the phone on solicitors .
It turns out it was Greg from Zoup!, where Chuck works, and where almost three weeks ago, I applied for a job. Of course (having spent the whole morning/ afternoon depressed about having no money) I quickly agreed to coming in to train the next day a 10:30 in the a.m., which is cutting it close considering I have a job to film at Pioneer High School around 6:00.
But I'm sure I'll manage. So, now between editing and serving soup, I have two jobs for the first time in my life. Scary...
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