Driving is the worst. I don't get out much myself. I lead a very uneventful life ninety percent of the time, but, Amanda always has a mile long to-do list, and it being that her car is brake-less, and my car being a stick-shift (which she can't drive... actually she can... but thats a whole other story altogether) anyways: Her and I drive around a'lot doing errands, and its torture enough to count the days left here in "good old Michigan", but to be in my car, and driving around this slush covered state, constantly having to blare the de-frost, and scrap the windows, my feet slipping below on the sheet of ice that has formed on my floor mat... it's unbelievably tempting to just drive. And to keep driving... until I can turn off the heat in my car, until I can roll down the windows, until the roads are dry and ice free.
Labels: Amanda, By Mike, To-Do List, Warm Weather
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