I'm moving to California and my parents aren't happy about it. I won't have health insurance, a job, a place to stay, or even that much start-up money, but at least I'll be there. I'll be in Hollywood, where every day is sunny and warm and I can forget there are cold places in the world.
It was three degrees outside today. I'm sure it's been this cold just about every year around this time, but it seems even colder now. I just keep thinking "you'll never have to worry about this again". You might be poor, your job might suck, you might spend 20 years trying to break into an industry akin to a high school popularity contest... but at least you'll be warm... and at least you'll be with your friends... and at least you tried. That's more than most of them can say.
I don't have anyone to bail me out this time, so I don't have any reason to come back. I keep telling myself there are people in the world that didn't have parents to bail them out in the first place, and I'm sure they made it fine.
We're going to be ok. Things are going to work out.
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