I'm still "broke as a joke" (as The Girl would say). But sitting here listening to Pearl Jam's live version of 'Yellow Ledbetter' the feeling that everything will work out feels more logical than I'm destine to fail. And I know that worrying will get me no closer to the west.
Everyone's parents know now, we've all broken the news and Chuck's parents were the only ones to have any issues, and no one can seem to understand why.
The three of us have spent our lives working up the nerve to go out and give it everything we have, knowing the dangers of falling flat on our faces 2,500 miles away from any immediate family. The last thing any of us need to hear (especially from our parents) is that we are making big mistakes, and that we won't be helped if we leave and whole list of other un-encouraging topics.
But we are still all going; still all leaving the 29th, we still are going to make our own mistakes, and live our own lives.
Getting off that subject: The other day while the three of us sat around and talked in greater detail about our plans for California I decided to call Bryan Godwin (who owns a production rental service out in North Hollywood) who is a friend of Amanda's (The Girl's) family. It was defiantly encouraging to hear from someone who has made a life in the film industry offer his advice and possibly a job.
Well - its time for me fill out online job applications. So, till that day.
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