On our Pro's and Con's list when we were first discussing packing up and moving west, # two on the con's was: "Billy will still be here."
So, who is Billy - and why would we miss him so? Chuck and I moved to the Ann Arbor/ Ypsi' area in 2001, we both got jobs at Target (where I met my beautiful girlfriend: The Girl) here is where we also became friends with Billy, the kind of individual you meet where you think; what is this (talented, funny, smart-as-hell) person doing here at Target, when they could do so much more in so many other places, especially a place like Hollywood.
Today he told Amanda and I that he is planning on moving with us. I don't know if all our begging, or the coincidence that his lease ends the day we leave for CA, persuaded him to come with. But I hope he comes, it won't be for at least a month after we've left, but he will decide before the 29th of this month. It's coming so soon. Everything is only days away.
"...A chance to turn it all around..."
(anyone know where thats from?)
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