I'd just like to say, (getting back to what Mike mentioned in his last entry) that this blog would not have been possible without the encouragement of, fellow respected blogger, Mark Maynard. It was he who suggested to Chuck that we keep a blog to record all of this adventure, and since no one had mentioned that yet, I thought I should. I like to give credit where credit is due. Thanks Mark.
Our house is looking bleak now. I got inspired the other day and started to pack up. I took down all of our pictures and decorations. I cleaned off the fridge and packed up my candles. Everything looks so white now. I piled my car full of stuff and took it to Rynah and Adara's. It feels so much better to give my things away to people who will use them than to just throw them away. Emily and Jenny came over the week before last and went through a bunch of stuff I'd decided to get rid of. They each left with a bag of clothes and three other bags of various stuff from the kitchen and bathroom. They kept trying to convince me to keep everything but I told them I had to get rid of it, and besides, it's not so hard giving it away when I know they're taking it. I'm actually starting to like this purging thing. It feels good. Like I really am making a big change. Not just moving to California, but really starting over. I'm changing so many aspects of my life, of who I am. I'd say it really started just after Christmas, when I had a great discussion with my Dad and Badria about what was holding me back, keeping me from chasing my dreams. I finally admitted, out loud, that I was afraid. My whole life I had been so ashamed of this, I'd never told anyone, not even myself. I used to call it shyness.
It's still hard not to give-in to my fear but I'm not giving up. I'm working on it everyday. There's this book called "the life you were born to live". I used to call it my bible. It really shoves is your face the kind of person you are and the things you need to overcome to be happy with yourself in this life. Next time you're in the book store check it out, it's by Dan Millman. It really is amazing, I've given this book to many of my friends and they all love it.
Mike is begging for me to come to bed so I'll have to finish for now.
Labels: Book, By Amanda, Christmas, Dan Millman, Mark Maynard, Mike
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