I feel so fortunate that my family has been so supportive and encouraging. My dad got my brakes fixed for me today. It's been over 2 months since I've been able to drive myself around, I can't drive Mike's stick so I've had to ask him to take me everywhere...... it sucks. That's one less thing we need to worry about paying for. Thanks Dad :)
Tomorrow will be a long day. I'll be gone from like 11:00 am to 11:00 pm. I'm meeting my step-mother, Badria for lunch to hear some of her encouraging advise, which always seems to put my mind at ease. Before that I have to drop a CD off at foto1 to get some prints made of Mike's mom's wedding that I've tried to send to them through their website 3 times already with no luck. After lunch I will be going straight to the tanning salon to start my 1st day at the new job (that I'll only have for 2 1/2 weeks). I worked there a couple of years ago, my best-friend, Crystal, works there and she told me I could start back in January but it's taken a lot longer than she expected. I put off telling her I was leaving until after I started the job because I knew she'd be upset that I'm going and not want to get me the job (which I desperately need). It's been so hard not telling her, the closer it's getting the worse and worse I feel. Several times in the past few weeks I've almost just given up all hope of getting the job and just told her, but I didn't. It will be so nice to work with her for a little before I go, I really will miss her so much (she's been my best friend since the 7th grade). I don't know how the hell I'm going to tell her. I haven't worked since Christmas, that's the longest I've ever gone without working, since I got my first job when I was 16. I guess I have kind of been working, helping Mike run his production company out of our home. Anyway, back to my long day, I'll be finishing up by stopping by my sister's right after work to hear her tell my mom and Ray some news they probably won't like but that I already know cause I forced it out of her. That should be fun.
Mike and I drove up north to Frankenmuth a couple of weekends ago to meet my grandparents for dinner. It was really great to spend some time with them. My grandma Shirley gave Mike and I tips on how to live on a budget and told us all about when she moved far away from home for the first time and had no money. They gave us a nice card with some cash inside (very helpful) and I hugged my grandpa for a long time when I said goodbye and kissed his cheek. It makes me sad when I think that I probably won't see them again until next Christmas, I wish I had spent more time with them over the last 2 years.
My grandma Betty also gave me a very nice tip when she paid me for some house work I'd done for her (also very helpful with our cali-fund). She has always been one of the most caring people in my life, always doing so much for all of her loved ones. And of course I can't end this without mentioning the oodles of help I receive on a regular basis from my mom and her extremely generous Ray, financially and any other way you can think of. So to all of my family and friends: I love you so much, you are greatly appreciated.
And now I must go to bed... Michael is calling...... again.
Why is it that everyday he is constantly telling me to "write a blog" and them when I do, he tells me to come to bed? I'll never understand men. Goodnight.
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