We got the call today. Billy said he had gone into work this morning feeling 90 % [sure he was going], I don't know what made it final for him, maybe it was looking around and seeing the same routine, the same job, the same people he was used to seeing for the past four years... maybe he thought he would miss his friends... maybe it was something completely different.
Around two o'clock the phone rang, the caller ID read Target, we knew it was Billy - he simply said; "I'm 100 %".
He was handing in a list of Targets surrounding the Hollywood area to his TRL (Target slang for: team relations leader). He's hoping to transfer - Chuck, Amanda and I used to also work at Target but we all, in our own ways, kinda' burned that bridge. So, unfortunately, we won't be so lucky. But, its official: there's four of us.
These past few weeks Amanda has been busy emailing all of her 'connections' out in Hollywood. And they have been incredibly helpful in letting us know what areas are best to look for apartments in and so on. And up till today, all of the emails have been uplifting. And then Amanda gets one saying; "we might be dreaming about the price".
Needless to say, this email was kind of a bummer. And confusing - considering the apartments we have been looking at online run in our budget [$850 to $1200] and seem to have enough square footage [upwards of 950] to suite four people. So... are the online listings wrong? Are we somehow getting ghetto apartments in North Hollywood? Who knows.
Good news for me: Amanda has a car! Amanda's Dad paid for her brakes to get fixed. So for the first time in two months; Amanda can drive again. But really we hardly ever go places without each-other... so now she'll just drive me around. But really the best part of it is, that her Dad saved us $350... so we owe him big time for that.
Okay - my stomach is freaking out... time to eat.
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