Work was really slow the other night. I stood around with nothing to do for a long time. Apparently warmer weather makes for terrible soup sales. So I decided to try and make myself busy by changing all the trash bins in the dining area of the store, productive guy that I am.
As I walked to the back, to get some garbage bags out of the janitor's closet, a little flash of orange light hit me in the eye. I turned and looked to see where it had come from, and realized the sunset had lined up perfectly with the peephole on our back door. I walked up to the door and peered through the hole to see a perfect miniature orange sunset and a clear blue sky over the factory behind our store. The concaved shape of the lens made a shining circle to outline the outer edge of the hole.
It was one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen, at just one tenth the size.
I could picture my profile from the side; face pressed up against the door with a little beam of orange light covering my eye. I felt like the only thing keeping me from leaving right then and there was that door. I wanted to follow the sun. I hate that we have to leave in the morning. I'd much prefer the cowboy movie ending where I drive my car into a brilliant sunset.
On a contrasting note, I got a flat tire. Life has a funny way of balancing out those perfect moments.
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