We opted for "Eternal Sunshine" over filming; it would take me ten paragraphs to describe the way it touched and changed me. I recommend it to everyone. I realized 3/4ths of the way into the film; it's been two months since I've picked up my movie notebook. So here I am, sitting alone in the bedroom with the notebook by my side, I think I will open to random pages and pick a section to write here for the world to see [In no particular order]:

above: "sorry... I'm a sucker for random pictures... this one has just been collecting dust on the digital camera for far too long".
+ Opening Narrative: "...I can't tell you this story as it should be; as you have grown accustom to: a story with a beginning... a story revolving around love, around revenge, around truth and the way things should be... a story with your all to familiar happy ever after. Because, I really don't know these details. To be honest - if one were to keep in mind to never believe everything one hears - then I don't know anything... but I believe in a story - I believe in a man that's name is rejoiced under the breath of people who only have hope to hold on to. A hero to those whose opinions are never heard - and an outlaw to those who measure they're quality of life and self-character by the thickness of their wallets..."
+ Opening - (narration) "I was born w/ a bible in my hands and Jesus Christ in my heart... that's what my father always told me."
+ Cut to: Tom driving - smiling - (pan down to money and drugs). Cut to: Payphone & Tom. Dials # and waits. Cut to: Chad's phone ringing picks it up as if expecting call.

It's funny to look at 88% if these notes/ and ideas and outlines... they seem so silly. Perhaps it's time to fill this book with some more recent material. Well... enough for now. I have things I need/ want to get back to.
+ Rough idea: Man getting up - getting ready to leave home... gathers up some belongings and goes out door. Goes downtown... and dies. (I don't know how) And either the instant before he dies he sees all these perspective changing things - or directly afterwards. He sees a vision - numbers come into focus - everyone has numbers by them - counting down - and for a moment he thinks everything is pre-determined - but then looking closer he sees the numbers jump up and down when people make little decisions. And that their time left on Earth is determined by which path (literally) we take in life...and then go into how it's not necessarily something to fear - the numbers are chances - chances to do something amazing in your life... maybe in the end he doesn't die - he looks down finally at himself and sees he still has time left...
+ Fade in: Girl's bedroom - morning. Girl lays in the arms of guy; both asleep. Girl wears hospital wrist band... both fully clothed.
Flash - hospital. Girl asleep - guy sits next to her in chair...
Cut to: bedroom - Guy wakes up - careful not to wake her..
+ Chuck: "she's not my girlfriend..."
Billy: "what about the other girls you're seeing"?
Chuck: "what other girls"?
Billy: "Exactly".
+ "I don't want this to be my life. I don't want these to be my mistakes."
+ Somewhere out there is (God) change; and if we can find it in ourselves to do that... maybe we will find ourselves one step closer to God.
+ For opening scene (falling) use: "What a wonderful world".
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