what a tangled web
Ok, so last night we got a little scared, and our posts were a little hasty. I just want to let everyone know not to worry. We'll figure this thing out. And if the person who would freak the most can say that, you've got to believe it's true. Somehow, we'll either make things cool with the management or find a new place to stay. We're all working, so that's not a problem. I mean sure, we might have to live with friends for a week or two while we find a new place (if it comes to that), but we have people that would let us crash. So no worries, people. Remain calm.
I'm not entirely sure why we lied in the first place. Apparently it's the only way to get an apartment in LA. Though I don't see what good it does us if we get kicked out. I guess it had something to do with our credit histories, or maybe just that we're four people in a two-bedroom. I suggested fessing up (due largely to my lifetime fear of authority figures), but nobody agrees with me. I guess it probably wouldn't do much good at this point.
Mike's going to call the landlord today. Billy's going to write him a script of exactly what to say and how to say it. I think we're going to tell them he was planning on adding me, but just hadn't mentioned it yet. We're hoping it might be effective in getting me on the lease. Then the only person left to explain would be Amanda.
Frankly, I think the guy knows everything and he's going to kick us out the first chance he gets. Not to mention keeping our $2,200 deposit for his trouble.
I take it back. Resume freaking out.
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