Even God had his day of rest...
I've adjusted to working overnight, but I'm in serious need of a day off. Fortunately, today is that day. I worked last night, but I didn't get out until 8am. We had one job to finish and I was trying to squeeze it in before 7am. I was supposed to cut some paper in half and bind the halves with coil, but when I took it to the cutting machine, I put the numbers in wrong and it cut the thing in half. So we had to make it all over again and I had to stay an extra hour. The funny part was that when we reprinted it, we realized the day crew had collated it incorrectly and the cover was on the back. So if I hadn't screwed it up, we'd have given it to the customer with the cover bound to the back of the book.
Meanwhile, I'm out of money. And I mean almost completely out. I'm down to my last $18, so if I don't get paid on Friday, it's going to be a rough two weeks. I still have to buy myself a haircut and a pair of comfortable shoes. Speaking of haircuts, sorry to everyone who voted I keep the goatee, cause I shaved it off. I was getting tired of the hair on my face. I couldn't stop thinking about it all the time so I got rid of it. I know that sounds wierd, but I'm a very self-aware person.
Only two weeks left 'til Michelle comes to visit. Hopefully I'll have some money to actually take her out. Knowing she'll be here soon just makes me miss her. If I knew I wasn't going to see her in a year, my mind might not be so occupied with her all the time. I promise I'll put up lots of pictures of her vacation. I know she's a fan of pics on the site.
Billy and I went to his cousin Crystal's on Easter Sunday. She made an awesome dinner, basically just for us. We had ham, apple pie, stuffing, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, and caserole. She's a really cool chick. Hopefully we'll be able to score some barbecue off her on the 4th of July. Mike and Amanda opted to hang back here. Amanda made mike some eggs and ham and other stuff. Mike pretty much polished off the entire 11lbs ham by himself. I don't know how he keeps that girlish figure.
Once we all have a day off here, we should be working on one or more of the shorts. Hopefully one of which will be put up on the blog. I don't know which movie Mike's selected for the next "movie of the week", but I have a feeling it's going to be my student film "y ahora muero". It's a pretty depressing short, but I like it. Some good editing and one of the best shots Mike's ever gotten.
I know not much has happened lately of interest. I think Billy's all but given up writing on the blog for now. He doesn't seem to think anything interesting is happening. Myself, I'll keep posting no matter what. I'd post if I was bed ridden for a week. Mike's more interested in the technical aspects right now, and Amanda just can't find the time. Hopefully we'll all get back in the swing of it. With more readers than ever, this is the time to flourish.
I hope maybe this website can sort of work as a gateway for us. If we can get recognized and someone pops on here and downloads a short, maybe they'll offer us jobs somewhere. We are, after all, near about 5 major studios, all within 5 miles. Even the Cartoon Network's right down the street.
On a completely different note, someone mentioned last week that I was the youngest of the four of us. I thought it was funny that I hadn't really put any thought into that before. It just occurred to me that I'm really young. 21 just feels really young right now. Don't ask me why, 'cause I couldn't tell ya.
Bridget has promised to send me pictures of my going-away party at Zoup, so I'll post them as soon as she gets around to it. That was the night I had 10 shots inside 10 red bulls, in case you'd all forgotten. The debauchery was set on high that night, so the pictures should be fun. I might have to do some clever editing. Anyway, just thought I'd mention that.
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