Last night the water got shut off at midnight. Apparently a pipe burst in the basement and our landlord wasn't sure what to do about it. Mike and I had just gotten back from a run around town. We ran past some girls and one of them shouted "Isn't it a little late to be running?". Before Mike could answer I decided to try and make us sound cool and said back "Never.", as though I run more than twice a year. Mike thought later that it might have been funnier to say "What would you suggest we do at this time of night?", but only Billy would have thought of that one on the fly.
So we get back, sweating like mad, and the shower doesn't work. So we try the kitchen sink and the bathroom and the toilet and nothing's on. I was certain it was rent-related, since we decided to pay on the last possible day. It just seemed odd that it worked at 11:59 and stopped at midnight exactly. This morning the water from the pipes was draining into the street.
I've noticed the past couple weeks that our neighborhood is primarily Latino. All the shouting that takes place on the block at night is usually in Spanish. There's a lady next door who constantly yells at her children in a tounge I don't understand. Billy and I have started trying to find online lessons, but I haven't listened to them yet. I'd like to learn it, if I can. All I know now is how to say hello and the directions left and right.
I've never talked about it before, but I just wanted to say that all the people here have been really nice. I know there's a stigma attached to residents of big cities like Los Angeles, but so far, I haven't met a single jerk. The only encounters we've had have been with motorists. And people act differently when they're behind the wheel of a car. A guy in an SUV cut us off today really bad. If Amanda hadn't told us not to, we probably would have thrown a handful of pennies at his car. (Come to think of it, that probably wasn't the best idea.) Speaking of cars, we saw one today that had all four wheels stolen. It was parked right outside Universal Studios. So if you buy nice rims, buy a car alarm. There were cops all over the place.
Amanda took us to this really expensive diner called Jerry's. The special on hot dogs was two for $11. They actually had a $6 peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She felt really bad for suggesting the place, so we made sure to rub it in a lot. We also saw Cedric the Entertainer just as we were leaving. He's really short. Only about 5'8".

The reason for my title (which I half borrowed from Billy) is just to say that I really enjoy the posts of my fellow writers. I think what keeps this site fresh are the eclectic styles it contains. I hope everyone reading it enjoys it as much as I do. Once more things start happening to us, I promise it'll be a little more exciting to read. Until that day, it's going to be grocery shopping and celebrity sightings.
On a more personal note, Michelle told me she's said much nicer things about me before. She told me I should have posted one of those comments instead of the ones I chose. Actually, I was just trying to get a rise out of everyone, but apparently I've failed. Becky went so far as to say it was sweet. And I was only doing it to be funny. Oh well. I guess I can't please everyone. Or can I....?
(P.S. 17,000 hits in 5 days. I know some of you people are new. Don't be afraid to leave comments.)
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