Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

posted on Saturday, April 03, 2004 by

a fun day

I woke up around 8am today and decided to go for a little walk. So I drove to Burbank and parked next to the Cartoon Network corporate headquarters on Third & Palm. I walked around downtown for a little bit to check out all the stores. Then I was crossing a street and a guy walked up next to me and said "I didn't see any cops." At first I thought he was a nutball, but then I realized he was talking about a motorcycle cop down the street. He was giving pedestrians tickets for crossing when the light wasn't on. So fair warning to anyone visiting California, don't cross a street the way you would in Ann Arbor, MI. Billy already got a $45 ticket for parking on the wrong side of the street.

So Mike and Amanda came in second on the employment race. They both got jobs at Toys R' Us yesterday. We were all getting a little concerned about the money situation, so this comes as very good news. Looks like were going to be able to pay rent in May. Yahoo!

I started working on a script today that Billy and I had talked about back when I worked at Target. It's about 5 hired assassins, and I think it's pretty funny. We've been working on a short as well, but I was getting sorta depressed since the subject matter was a little serious. Parts of the stuff I was writing today were making all three of us laugh out loud. I take it as a good sign. Hopefully, we'll all be working on it some more.

I'm still adjusting to life in California. I know I haven't posted in a couple days. I've felt a little out of place these last few days. I miss everyone back home, but not in a gut-wrenching way. I guess it was just a combination of not finding work and being cooped up in the apartment all day. We don't have a lot of entertainment money to be throwing around right now.

Ok, so when we got here a couple weeks ago I was looking pretty scraggly. I hadn't shaved in a week or so and I was starting to get all the scruff growing in. Billy told me to shave it into a goatee and I did, and I really like it a lot. I think for the first time I actually did something that makes me look a little older. However, in the spirit of democracy, I'll be holding an open forum on whether or not I should keep it. Are Billy and Mike enough facial hair for one house? Toss your vote into the comments and maybe I'll post a picture or something later.

It's hard to think of things to write about now. I think on some level we're still pretty mixed up over here (emotionally speaking). I had no idea how much this move was going to test me. I'm always so worried about keeping everyone happy in a neutral kind of way that I often forget to deal with my own stuff. I know that doesn't make sense, but I don't think there's another way to type it.

Is it safe for me to be talking about all of this? I hope there aren't any psychos out there trying to track us down by the information we put on the blog. I don't think we've given any of our last names, but everyone knows where we work and what our place looks like. If you are crazy, and you're reading this, we're good people. Leave us alone.

To all my Michigan people, it's good to hear from you all. I have ten e-mails in my box to respond too. Sorry if it takes me a while (even though I'm not doing much during the day right now). Of course my job is overnight so I guess I'll never be doing much during the day. Keep writing and I'll write you back.

Billy and I are trying to learn spanish. Half the people in this city speak it, so we think it'll come in handy. Right now he's listening to a program he downloaded on Kazaa. Turns out it's all about how to swear in Spanish, so we know a few choice phrases already. We'll have to keep looking...