Well, that was fun...
Regretably, today will be my last post. My part of this little adventure has come to an end, for money reasons as well as reasons I'd rather not mention. I admit, my decision to do this is even hastier than my decision to move out here (It all happened around two o'clock this morning), but this is a safer choice. My grandmother is going to buy a plane ticket for me to go to Tennessee. I can stay with her until I get some savings built back up or indefinitely, if need be. I just realize that this isn't what I want. I wish nothing but the best for the rest of the group. I'm sure they'll do great. A lot of you knew I wasn't all that crazy about coming out in the first place, but you still supported me. Thank you, so much. You can still e-mail at my link if you want, but I will not be posting anymore-So, I just want to say thank you, goodbye, and God bless...
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