Holy crap, I've been staring at the screen for too long. As you can see the site has had a bite of an overhaul. Let us know what you think. Because after all this work - if you don't like it... we'll hunt you down and slap your wrist.

[ above: here's a pic that Amanda snapped just before we left Ypsi. Yes... I am aware I look strange, but finding a picture where I don't is too much of an undertaking. So - I'll live with it. ]
We got our mail box key today, wow... if thats all I have to talk about on the blog then I need to get a life. Hmm. Sorry the comments were down all day, I know you all must have been freaking out. All six of you (who actually comment).
Chuck, Billy and myself wandered down into the subway across the street from Universal Studio's before going to drop our applications. It was even cooler than the one here in NoHo. And it's always empty. We wanted to shoot something down there, I don't know what, the short we are working on now doesn't really involve the metro... but you never know (when you'll need a subway... wait. What?). I feel way too tired to be writing, and it's clear to me I've been watching too much of the "Best of Will Ferrell".
I have a game for you, it's called "Where's Michael" ("yeah, I know... not very creative"). Look at the picture below and try to find me. I'm there... somewhere lost in the desert.

Well... I'm sure that was fun. Okay, confession time. I am just trying to post a bunch of pictures Amanda and I took while driving west. But - even though there is alot more - I will stop here. a) because Amanda wanted to write about them when she post. [and] b) because I am tired, and this entry is stupid and uninteresting.
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