So, I'd intended to write a good long post tonight, but then I started replying to all of the folks who've emailed me in the last week or so and now (several hours later) it's 1:30 am and I'm ready for bed.
But I thought I should say at least something (and hopefully I'll have more time to write tomorrow).
Shitty things about today.... A) we got stuck in a traffic jam for and hour and a half then gave up and turned around, so we ultimately spent 3 hours in the car and didn't get anywhere. B) Mike put a completely full, x-large Dr. Pepper on the dash and then pulled out of the Taco Bell drive-through spilling the entire thing all over my car (not fun to clean up), also: they put cheese on my rice, didn't give me a spoon and mike's quesadilla was the worst he's ever had. C) It is sunny and beautiful all 3 hours we spend in the car, then the second we decided to get out and eat our food at the park, the sun goes behind a huge cloud and we're shivering... and of course we get back in the car... the second the sun comes back out (no lie). I know not many of these things would be all that bad by themselves, but one after the next.... kinda made our day suck. So we decided to go home.... and stay there.
On a good note.... A) In the car today, as Mike and I were approaching our traffic jam, I looked over and saw 2 deer eating on the side of a hill (mountain), then a few seconds later I saw 1 more eating from a tree. How nice, I thought. It feels really good to just be driving all normal like, thinking about life and what you've got to do that day, and then you look up and see mountains and mountains, all over in the background, that you didn't even notice before and you think... Damn.. That's beautiful... that's why I came here. B) We put up our giant chalk board (the one we saved from the Whole Foods garbage pile) in the kitchen. C) I got our bathroom all unpacked and set-up, I even put up a toothbrush holder and some towel hooks. D) Mike, Chuck and Billy spent most of the night brainstorming ideas for the short they want to do. I'm not sure if they got anywhere. Eventually, Mike took off for a run, Chuck left on his bike and Billy retired to his room, so I decided to write.
A few side notes: Chucks been sleeping out on the balcony (he says it's great), we can walk to our grocery store in 3 minutes (it's a block and a half away), people hand out free movie screening passes on the street, Chuck and Billy found the Hollywood sign today, there must be like 30 sushi places in a 2 mile radius of our apartment.
I know there's lots more but I'm too tired to think straight now.... more tomorrow.
Night- night.
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