In about 15 minutes mike and i are meeting the landlord to pick-up our keys. i'm so happy, i don't know how to describe it. i can't wait to unpack my things and settle in, buy groceries, decorate with candles and pictures of my friends and family. i can't wait to RELAX.
i changed our time zone (for the blog) so from now on when we post it will list it in our (cali) time.
we are getting our internet turned on on the 23rd, so there won't be any new posts for a while, sorry. but when we are back on they will be good, promise. lots of pictures and everything:)
i wish i could write more but we have to go now. billy and chuck are doing fine, they are almost to new mexico by now i think.
thank you tim and tricia for all you have done for us, (letting us stay with you and making us feel at home, cooking us great dinners, the wine, the great talks, the maps and cool books, the list of apartments you talked your friend paul into getting for us, the jobs at nielsen, the intern list, the help with resumes, cover lettters, apartment search, all of the great advise, anything else i forgot about...) we'll never forget it. i wish there was someway we could repay you (if you ever think of anything please let us know).
bye for now.
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