Well, today's the day. I have a few things to take care of and then that's it, but the computer comes down now, so I figured I get in one last entry. I picked up the truck today and it's huge! They had to give me a twenty foot truck because my truck was having mechanical problems. I don't like it... Chuck doesn't think we'll make it out today, because my apartment is a mess, but I'm going to try. He and Michelle are actually in the other room. He thinks I'm packing as we speak, so 'SHHH', don't tell him. I still have to pick up Amanda's couches too, but she didn't leave me a number to get in touch with her mother.
Before I go I just want to thank everyone again for their support. You've all been great. The next time I talk to anyone I'll be on the road with Chuck. So everyone take care and pray for us and for those I didn't get to see, it wasn't because I didn't want to, there just didn't seem like enough time in a day to do everything I wanted to do. I'll make it up to each you. Well, it's been fun, but back to work. I'll talk to you all soon enough, God willing. All my love, Billy...
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