Breaking news: we were turned down for an apartment in NoHo [North Hollywood]. It was our first. I could just scream: "I have money... lots of it... take it! Now"! But, I don't suppose that would do much else besides scare away the landlords. I dropped off more applications for another apartment just a few feet away from the place mentioned above - Billy and Chuck still have to fax in their info, before the lady will even look at us. So, since that is anything but promising, I have been calling every apartment in the area, and time is running out fast. Only seven more days... maybe eight. It's getting down to the wire. I did however have one pleasant conversation on the phone with a landlord today - a nice guy named Ted, another place over by NoHo. Anyways, enough my running in circles.
Amanda is at work right now, she got a job at a snoody clothing store for 30'somethings in the mall, a place called j.jill... she hates it though, her boss is a real power hungry snob, who after walking Amanda around the store for an hour, showing her which [overpriced] cloths she should buy to: "look the part", told Amanda that if she had interviewed her first; she wouldn't have hired her. Even though she kinda' did interview her first, but that's besides the point.
I had an interview at Kinko's yesterday for an opening during the graveyard shift, but that didn't go so well. To explain: Amanda's interview was at 2 pm, I dropped off a resume and was asked to come in at 3:30 pm. So these two interviews are less then 10 minutes down the street from each other, the thought that an hour and a half wasn't enough time never even crossed our minds. But the [expletive deleted] interviewing Amanda had to take her shopping for an hour and screwed it all up. I was hoping Amanda would walk any second, Amanda hoped I had already left, I didn't know the number or the street name it was on. And you get the idea: I showed up late. They weren't impressed. I'm still unemployed.
But, I have an interview tomorrow afternoon at Nielsen Entertainment, thanks to Tricia (whom we're staying with at the moment), she works there doing box office research [among other things]. She has been helping out a lot... a lot, a lot. Yesterday she came home with a job list for interns, one of those "underground list (you can only get if you know someone who knows someone)". So that of course is: 'crap-my-pants exciting'. Then ontop of this favor, she helped my write a resume last night, along with a cover letter that she assured me looked great [she said she reads thousands of them]. So I spent a while last night emailing my cover letter & resume to people on the list, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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