Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

where I left off

posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 by

I had a few more things to say before the prudes at the last library cut me off (even though they had more empty computers and we were the only people there). Doesn't matter..... Tucumcari is a ghetto place anyways.

I wanted to tell my pot hole story....

It was close to 1am and we were trying to get to my cousin's before we fell asleep. We got off the exit ramp and were driving slow down the dark streets looking for her street sign when I hit the biggest pot hole in the world, my car stalled and I pulled it over down a side street (this area of town was a bit creepy) I knew right away what had happened. My gas cut off switch had been triggered. I had to empty out most of my very packed trunk to find the button and push it back in it only took a minute, and we were back on the road. I guess that's a pretty boring story but I only mention it because if I had not had that exact thing happen to me with my first car, in high school I wouldn't have had any idea what it was and surely would've freaked (Mike knows zip about cars so he wouldn't have been able to help) but I didn't .... I was proud... I felt experienced or something.

So I wanted to say thanks to my cousin, Michelle for making us a nice bed and letting us spend the night in her nice house. I'm sorry we got there so late and we didn't have time to visit like I'd hoped. Congratulations on your engagement. I love you!

P.S. Bonnie, will you please take a picture of Millie's puppies and email it to me or something, I know they are probably so cute! Man, do I wish so bad I could have one..... I miss having a pooch :)

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