Well I only have about 15 minutes until I have to give the computer up. The connection is so slow so it might not be long enough, it took 5 min already just to check my email. I just made a comment on Billy's last entry from the visitor information center about 45 min ago, then I got so excited and so happy to be in NM that I blasted "one more time" by Daft Punk (it's a 13 min song and I listened to it twice) and danced all the way here. Finding the library was a bit tricky but we made it (Mike had to go #2 so we were in a hurry :) hee hee).
The trip hasn't been too bad so far, actually today has been great. We woke up at sunrise in Mike's car parked at the super 8 motel in Elk City, TX. Yesterday when we left my cousin's in Kansas City, we hit the worst wind I've ever driven in all the way through Kansas, the bikes were catching wind all over the place, it was crazy. Eventually Mike figured out a better way to secure them and they haven't moved an inch since. Then we took a nap at a rest stop and when we woke up the wind had passed.
I talked to my Uncle Thurman on the phone at a gas station in Witchita, Kansas yesterday. He is anxiously awaiting our arrival, I think. He said he now has a whole list of places for us to check out when we get there, he and Tricia (his wife) have been so incredibly helpful, they are awesome. Really I think my uncle just doesn't want us to be there for ever. So we shouldn't have any trouble finding a place before Chuck and Billy get there.
time to go... ahhh!!!
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