It's hard to tell from the picture below, but thats two half's of a futon frame sitting on the roof of my escort. And worst of all, its hanging on for dear life by means of some string and a long white strap I found.
To explain: The frame has been sitting at the Romig/ synergy office (now just Romig) for months, and last night while final cut was compressing I decided to make the most of my time by driving out to Jackson to pick it up. After all; Amanda and I still needed something to sleep on out in California. So I get there around 11 o'clock and there's no power. So, I get a flashlight thats basically dead, and start searching for an allen wrench which I remember last seeing somewhere on the floor. After twenty minutes I find it in the pitch black. But I can't hold the flash light, work the allen wrench, and use the pliers [I found to loosen the bolts] at the same time. So, I carry the futon, in it's entirety, outside and set it in-front of my headlights and go to work. I'm half way done with dismantling it when I realize I need two different sized allen wrenches.
So I go back inside, the flashlight barely lighting the way, and search on my hands and knees for another twenty minutes (knowing that there was no way the futon was fitting in the escort without taking it completely apart... believe me: I tried). So finally I accept that its not in the room. So what now? I didn't drive an hour out there in the middle of the night to go back empty handed. Thats when I saw the string. Well you know the rest; I spent an hour tying down the frame and wondering if I would even make it out of Jackson before disaster struck. Amazing enough. It held the whole ride home.
Anyways. I have to get back to building a dvd, so I'm just gonna link these next three pictures and not go into great detail about them. This first picture is one I snapped of Amanda while we vacationed on Beaver Island for a week. It's my favorite picture of her.
Next, I have two pictures that Nick (my brother), and Mandy (my sister) gave to me at the going away party last sunday. Nick has been busy teaching Mandy how to play the guitar, he said she is catching on incredibly fast. I can't wait to watch them 'jam' together. For the ladies reading, yes, Nick is available. As for my sister, my mom freaked when she saw she was wearing make up... but seriously; look at those eyes. She looks like a model, I imagine she'll break a few hearts in high school.
Ok. Back to work.
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