Apparently, there's been some confusion about whose idea it was to move to California. Amanda told me everyone thinks it was Mike's idea. This is preposterous! : ) I'd just like to set the record straight right away and claim full responsibility for this irresponsible decision. Maybe I'm just a little bit selfish to want to take all my friends with me, but I think it's where they belong.
In other news, a girl at work told me she has a friend that works at Disneyland in Anaheim. She said the people that sing there get paid $40,000 a year. She's going to call her this week and see if she can get me an audition. I'm going to have Michelle help me figure out what key I sing in and buy some sheet music to see if I can audition for them. It sounds really goofy to play a Disney character, but hey, $22 bucks an hour sounds pretty good. Jessica said the best part would be that 95% of the male performers there would be gay, so I'll have my pick from Jasmine to Cinderella.
Looks like this will be my last week (s?) at Zoup. It's been a wild ride, but the belt is starting to dig into my lap. They've been leaning on me so heavily the past month or so that I don't really feel as bad about leaving them. I mean I'll be giving my two weeks and everything. Anyway, they helped me and I worked hard for the time I was there. It was a fair relationship.
We're not sure if I'm going to be able to leave on the 29th. Unfortunately my funds are a little bit lower than expected. I'd sort of set a bar for myself and I'm a little bit under it right now. We're still trying to figure out whether Mike and Amanda will wait for me, or if I can leave early with them or what. If I do have to wait, it's going to have to be at least a week. It all sucks. I really want to go with them, but I can't leave with almost no money. I'm just hoping my Michigan tax return will get here before the end of the month. On the plus side, if I leave after them, Billy will have someone to ride with. I was a little worried about him coming over all by himself.
A lot of my old pals are coming out of the woodwork to say goodbye. It's strange how many people I've heard from, wishing us good luck and whatnot. I was just writing letters to people the other day that I haven't heard from in a long time. It's so weird that these people have been a part of my life for so long and I'll probably never see many of them ever again. Stinks...
Someone got to our page the other day by typing this into Google "wait for me to move out west its okay if you don't. i hope you know you're my favorite thing about the west coast. i wish i stayed. i hope you wait" I don't why, but I find that really cool. Amanda says it's song lyrics, but it sounds like prose to me. I'd like to paint it on my wall.
Thanks, Livi, for the comment the other day. Nobody seems to comment on my blogs, which leaves me to wonder just how boring my posts are. (Naturally, this is all just fishing for some comments. : ) But hey, I'll take pity.) Thanks to everyone for being so supportive. We all appreciate all the cool stuff you leave for us. We plan to keep this thing going for a long time, so stick with us.
When we talked about moving to LA, we made a list of pros and cons. One of the cons that I added to the list was that happiness can't be a place. Happiness has to come from inside. You can't just move somewhere that's sunny and warm and expect it to solve all your problems. However, I've thought this through a bit, and I've decided that if you want to solve all your problems, it's nice to be sunny and warm. : )
We love you guys.
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