Today, while I was in the shower staring at the wall, thinking how the hot water never lasts nearly long enough, I wondered where I would be showering in two weeks. I thought about how somewhere out in Hollywood right now, someone else is also busy packing, getting ready to move out of their apartment, unknowingly making room for us.
I did a google search for "california coast" today as I was waiting for a DVD to finish writing. The picture above reminded me of the bike trip. Which in effect, reminded me of what it felt like then to leave for the west. To be honest: its exactly the same. No, wait, thinking about that more, I would have to say: it's worse. I was leaving for only two months then, in six days I am leaving for much, much longer. It's a hard thing to think about.
But I try to think back to the nights before I left for the trip, and how I was completely unaware of how amazing [and difficult] an experience I had ahead of me. And I know that as hard as it is to wander so far from my family and friends, the lessons I will learn along the way will be worthwhile. I keep reading this excerpt from something I have been writing for sometime now, and it helps me stay focused. It reminds me of my coach, and how he always taught me, "no one ever did anything great in their lives without taking risk".
I know now that it's the best piece of advise anyone has ever given me.
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